The US FDA has released the latest standard for "healthy" nutrient declaration


The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has released the latest standard for "healthy" nutrient declaration. This regulation updates restrictions on specific nutrients and clarifies specific food categories that comply with dietary guidelines. For example, to use a "health" statement, the product must limit the content of saturated fat, sodium, and added sugars. In addition, the product should contain a certain amount of food from one of the recommended food groups or subgroups in the dietary guidelines, including but not limited to fruits, vegetables, fat free and low-fat dairy products, etc.

Previously, a healthy eating pattern based on nuts, fatty fish such as salmon, and foods such as oil and water did not meet the standards of the "healthy" label. Nowadays, according to the latest regulations, these foods have been recognized as meeting the requirements of the "healthy" nutrition declaration, and foods such as peanut butter, canned fruits, and vegetables may also meet the criteria. The FDA pointed out that manufacturers who choose to adopt this statement will have three years to comply with the new standards, but manufacturers can choose to follow the new regulations in advance.

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